• ภาษาอังกฤษพื้นฐาน ม.6 - ครูนุชรินทร์ ปินะกาตาโพธิ์
    โรงเรียนนาเชือกพิทยาสรรค์ เลขที่ 10 ถ. นาเชือก-พยัคฆภูมิพิสัย ต.นาเชือก อ.นาเชือก จ.มหาสารคาม 44170

แบบทดสอบหลังเรียน (Post test)

1. I bought a beautiful dress at the mall. What is part of speech of "beautiful"?

2. On Saturdays I work from nine to five. What is part of speech of "work"?

3. I want to go to a university in the United States. What is part of speech of "university"?

4. What are you doing? What is part of speech of "you"?

5. Do it slowly. What is part of speech of "slowly"?

6. She thought of an easy plan. What is part of speech of "thought"?

7. The puppy was under the table. They were scared. What is part of speech of "under"?

8. I helped them because they needed help. What is part of speech of "helped"?

9. We went to the hospital to visit my freind who was sick. What is part of speech of "to"?

10. It is my pencil. What is part of speech " It"?

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